Final Report
Project Description: Participants We originally started with two classes of grade 8 students. The goal was to indigenize their grade 8 english/humanities curriculum. Many of the topics we aimed to cover in english curriculum overlapped with the grade 8 social studies curriculum, therefore we included both. Our project included Kathleen, the Aboriginal Education teacher, Kelly, the classroom teacher, and MANY community members, elders and knowledge keepers. Due to unforeseen circumstances, one of the divisions was dropped from the grant project, so in actuality, our project included one division (approximately 28 students) of grade 8s. Goals There were many goals to our project, but the overlaying goal was to have students engage with the 94 calls to action, write a slam poem in response to a call to action, and create a video to go along with their poem. On a larger scale, we aimed to indigenize the grade 8 english curriculum, teaching students about the im...