Introduction to our Project

This blog is a collaborative effort between staff and students at Spencer Middle School in Langford, BC. Over the course of the next year, we will be using this blog as a way to document our journey of our project, titled using Using Multimodal Approaches to Explore Identity, History, Experience and Worldview. This project is a collaborative effort between the classroom teacher, Kelly, and the school's Aboriginal Education teacher, Kathleen.

This project aims to have students use diverse texts and multimodal approaches (i.e. visual, oral, textual, digital) to explore their worldview and identity.  Working with local community partners (Aboriginal Elders and communities) students will have the opportunity to learn about, share, and create digital multimedia pieces that explore personal, cultural or historical events and experiences that relate and connect to the experiences of our local Nations.  These pieces will take a variety of forms and will be shared with the community, including local elders, at an engaging event.     

Gradually, over the course of the year, students will be introduced to different elements of Coast Salish culture as well as the apps they will use to develop their original pieces. Students will learn about Elements of Coast Salish art and will be asked to use these elements to develop one image during their worldview unit. During their memoir unit, students will learn about Photography through an Indigenous lens and will be asked to include one photo that helps share the story of their memoir. Throughout the year, students will participate in drumming, art creation and storytelling.

The end product will have students creating a video, which will include all elements discussed, to play while they present the slam poem they have written. The topics of the poems will align with the 94 calls to action published by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. As much as possible, students will learn with community and with our Sister in Residence.


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