In regards to reflecting on where we are at with our final report, Kelly and I have decided to put together a blog post and resource share out of our project. Our goal, is to organize all the resources we used and put them together in one folder that we can then share out on google. We have been spending lots of time reflecting about our project. As this is the first time we have done this, we have learned lots and have several things we would do differently next year! Our goal, in creating this document, is that others can use it to recreate something similar to our project. One issue we seem to be running into is that we made the project scope very large originally, a whole year of indigenizing the curriculum! So we are having troubles focusing the resources to our slam poetry! In other words, despite the fact that we did an origin stories unit, it isn't necessary to do in order to succeed with slam poetry. So we are trying to find a way we can separate the units and make ...